In order for the door to heaven to be open to us, we must be perfect, but we can't because we are sinful. Only someone who is completely perfect can open the door to heaven for us.
Pastor Derme shares a message this Ash Wednesday about how we find shelter and refuge in God.
Pastor Derme teaches us that Jesus hid his glory to win us salvation on the cross. God's glory is hidden in the gospel and revealed to us there.
We hear a message about our identity in Christ; we are children of the Most High!
Pastor Derme reminds us that our blessings come not from ourselves, but from God.
The Bible shapes everything we say and sing. Our pastor invests time in sermons that are rooted in Scripture, incorporate both law and gospel, and provide applications for everyday life. We invite you to learn more about our church and join us for worship soon.
© Shepherd of the Mountains 2024 | Website by Grace Ungemach